Re-assessment policy



The assessment process must have a built in process for re-assessment.




The Aquila Training Academy and/or Aquila Assessment Centre shall, at no additional cost to the learner, with the exception for material used, provide a second assessment free of charge.




The following points will apply:


1.   When the learner has to undergo re-assessment, he/she must be given specific feedback and guidance in order

      to concentrate on areas of weakness.


2.  The onus is on the learner to communicate to the Aquila Training Academy's and/or Aquila Assessment

     Centre's assessor to inform him/her when he/she is ready for re-assessment.


3.  The re-assessment should take place in the same/similar situation/context and under the same conditions.


4.  The same assessment method/s and instruments may be used but the task and materials should be different, but

      at the same level and complexity as the previous task.


5.  Re-assessment can take place a maximum of 2 times per learner (a total of three assessments), per unit standard.

     After the first re-assessment, cost must be discussed with the Aquila Training Academy's and/or Aquila

     Assessment Centre's client, as further re-assessments will be charged at the Aquila Training Academy's and

     Aquila Assessment Centre's daily assessing rate.


6.  A maximum of 6 months should be allowed between each re-assessment.


7.  A learner who is repeatedly unsuccessful after three (3) assessments must be given guidance on other possible

     and more appropriate learning avenues.